Start your business with confidence. Form your LLC, Corporation or Nonprofit with Urban AZ Financial. Trusted by thousands of our customers and businesses. Guaranteed.
LLC is an abbreviation for limited liability company.
LLCs are pretty simple business structures. They offer many benefits and flexibility for business.
Form an LLC to ensure you are not personally liable for your companies’ liabilities or debts.
LLCs are a great option for startups and small businesses.
If you are thinking of starting a business you should strongly consider forming an LLC.
An LLC, or Limited Liability Company, is a type of business structure that legally separates your personal assets (like your home, car, and personal savings) from your business.
This means if your company faces legal action, your personal belongings are generally protected. LLCs are not just for businesses; they can also hold assets like real estate, vehicles, boats, and aircraft.
The owners of an LLC are referred to as "Members." An LLC can have one owner (Single-Member LLC) or multiple owners (Multi-Member LLC).
For us to establish your LLC, or you can do it yourself if you have time. You'll then need to file an LLC Articles of Organization with your state's Secretary of State or Corporate Commission or equivalent agency.
People form LLCs mainly for the protection of personal assets.
This creates a barrier between your business liabilities and your personal property, ensuring the latter remains secure and separate from business-related risks.
Without an LLC, personal assets could be at risk in the event of a business lawsuit.
LLCs are relatively inexpensive and easy to set up, with a one-time filing fee being more cost-effective compared to other business structures, like a Corporation.
They also require low maintenance. Keeping an LLC active typically involves submitting an annual report to the state (though this varies by state) and fulfilling state and local tax obligations.
Additionally, you might need to file paperwork for changes like an address or name update or BOI filing to FinCEN. We do that for you too. Only $99.
LLCs offer flexibility, allowing you to run multiple businesses under one LLC or set up separate LLCs for different ventures.
TAX BENEFITS: LLC's allow you to write off many different types of deductions on your personal 1040 tax return.
Such as your phone, mileage, supplies, insurance, maintenance, repairs, rent and many other applicable deductions saving you hundreds even thousands of dollars.
Contact Urban AZ Financial at (623)226-7948 for a FREE consultation and then we will file the appropriate paperwork with the state agencies for you.
You can come into our office or do it by phone and email.
We'll help you choose a name for your LLC if you haven't done so already.
We'll look to be sure that your name is available for your business on all platforms, ensuring that name is yours.
We'll then prepare and file your Articles of Organization with the appropriate state agency for you.
We will also be your Statutory Agent (required by the State) at no additional charge.
While you are waiting for you LLC to be approved (Articles Of Organization) we will acquire for your business the:
1. Domain name (www) - (Included)
2. LLC's e-mail address - (Included)
3. LLC - Phone Number - (Included)
4. LLC's EIN -Tax ID# - (Included)
5. DBA-Tradename - (Included)
6. Statutory Agent Service - (Included upon approval)
7. LLC - Article Of Organization (Upon Approval) -(Included)
8. LLC Business Address (optional)
All the above for $399 Complete
($299 till 5:pm 12-31-24_
While there are other steps involved, like creating an LLC Operating Agreement, LLC Business Plan, LLC Website and establishing LLC Business Credit or a BOI Filing all the above for an *additional fee, these are the basic steps to start to file your LLC through Urban AZ Financial.
*After submitting your desired information and consultation with us, we'll then send you an invoice of which you can pay via Paypal, Zelle or CashApp.
Call us!
or email
1. LLC's EIN -Tax ID# - (Included)
2. DBA-Tradename - (Included)
3. Statutory Agent Service - (Included)
4. LLC - Article Of Organization (Upon Approval) -(Included)
Perfect for Basic LLC start up
1. Domain name (www) - (Included)
2. LLC's e-mail address - (Included)
3. LLC - Phone Number - (Included)
4. LLC's EIN -Tax ID# - (Included)
5. DBA-Tradename - (Included)
6. Statutory Agent Service - (Included)
7. LLC - Article Of Organization (Upon Approval) -(Included)
8. LLC Business Address (Included)
Professional Features
Most Popular
1. Domain name (www) - (Included)
2. LLC's e-mail address - (Included)
3. LLC - Phone Number - (Included)
4. LLC's EIN -Tax ID# - (Included)
5. DBA-Tradename - (Included)
6. Statutory Agent Service - (Included)
7. LLC - Article Of Organization -(Included)
8. LLC Business Address (Included)
9. LLC Operating Agreement - (Included)
*10. LLC Business Plan - (Included)
*11. LLC Business Website - (Included)
*12. LLC Social Media Pages (Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, LinkedIn)
*13. LLC Business Credit Establish - (Duns #, Tradeline referral/establish, Bank account referral/establish)
Advanced features
Perfect for Basic Startup Plan for companies with limited needs.
This plan includes:
*$24.99 per month (Registered Agent & Business Address Fee)
Perfect for running your business with increased customization and compliance.
Includes Everything in Basic
*$39.95 per month (Registered Agent, Business Address, Unlimited Mail Scan & Upload)
Advanced Pro
$39 per month for Registerd Agent, Business Address, Unlimited Mail scan & Upload
Email us at
or give us a call for free consultation at 623-226-7948
Get in touch at to and we'll respond promptly!
We want to know your needs exactly so that we can provide the perfect solution. Let us know what you want and we’ll do our best to help. Consultation is Free (for now)
Urban AZ Financial
We Make the Complex Simple
2828 N Central Avenue, Suite 1004,
Phoenix, AZ 85004
(623) 226-7948